Daily Archives: May 13, 2009

A video detour

I’ll return to the Starbucks/Church video tomorrow. Meanwhile, over at B-Mac’s place, Brian posted a video with the caption:

how witch hunts, inquisitions, jihads, holy wars, and new denominations begin …

The video is entitled “Awkward Questions About Jesus”

I think a better title for the video would be “Questions that John Mulholland’s 10 year-old son could answer.” I have to wonder why Brian would post this without any sort of context or explanations, just a lame title.

Is he…
A) implying that these are real questions Christians should be talking about?
B) stating that he has faced these questions and doesn’t know how to answer them?
C) using it to show the failure of “modern” Christianity to deal with the “hard questions” of the Bible?
D) something else?

Really, three kids berating a priest is the foundation of “witch hunts, inquisitions, jihads, holy wars and new denominations”?

Brian, why join in the attacks against your faith? Have you no apologetic? Are you not willing to contend for it?

One word: Lame.

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Filed under awkward questions about Jesus, brian mclaren, emergent church