Daily Archives: May 19, 2009

More Derek Webb genius

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Filed under derek webb, stockholm syndrome

Derek Webb, Stockholm Syndrome, and swear words.

Warning….there’s a “bad” word below.

A few months ago, while at the National Youth Ministry Conference in Columbus Ohio, I had the pleasure of hearing Derek Webb sing some songs and then attend a post-show q&a. During the q&a, he talked about his upcoming album. He said that over the years, he had pushed the envelope with his label, INO Records about creative content. He had used the words “whore” and “bastard” on his song Wedding Dress. This caused some Christian stores to not carry his records. Today was supposed to be the release date of the new album, “Stockholm Syndrome”. Last week, a bulk email was sent out, telling us to be on the lookout, as the discussion between him and the label was at a breaking point. Yesterday, visitors to his website were greeted by a simple message, “BE BACK SOON”.

Today, the site is different. It has last week’s email, as well as a new one. Embedded in the new email is a code that says “paradiseisaparkinglot”. Enter it as a website, and you are taken here. Since I don’t live in Nashville, I called Ugly Mugs, and was told that they’d send me a package. Pretty Sweet! Click on the RSS Feed link there, and there are a few treats. On one of them, Derek talks about the tv show “LOST”.

According to this website, “The controversy seems to be over a track of the album (suposedly called “Give a Shit”) and the content of one or more songs concerning itself with the way in which Christians have treated the homosexual community. Rumor (from Derek and others) is that the label has refused to release the album due to this contentious titling/content.”

What does this all mean? Is this a vast marketing ploy by the label? A way to sell albums? Maybe.

Maybe not. Back in March, while Derek was talking post-show, he got all technical and talked about how the current model that labels use is failing. There are better ways to learn where your fans are and better ways to distribute music. After all, if he was looking to sell more albums, why would he give them away?

All I know is this: the followers on the new Twitter account: ssyndrome have gone up by more than 1400 in the last 2.5 hours. Derek wanted buzz, and now he has it. What remains to be seen, or heard, is if the album is worth a…well, you know.

This just in…according to the twitter site, the first of five artifacts has been found.

More to come.


Filed under derek webb, paradiseisaparkinglot.com, stockholm syndrome