Category Archives: tony jones

What to do?

I recently read an article on Timothy Keller in Christianity Today. Dr. Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. In the article, he stated that one of his “rules” about preaching there was to not discuss politics from the pulpit. I don’t know what to do with that. Part of me is in agreement. While discussing it with my wife, she gently reminded me that all of creation is the Lord’s, and as such, how can we not talk about politics?

Any follower of this blog (are there 2 of you?) is aware that I am opinionated on a number of matters, from politics, to Christianity, to music, movies…everything. I have really struggled with this. Obviously people (both of you) do read my blog, so when I post something critical of your favorite politician, actor, musician, etc, someone may be turned off to the message. But, what if, in doing so, I come across as so negative that any non-believer who stumbles across this blog gives up there quest for God? I guess that this post is related to yesterday‘s in that I’m wondering why I blog.

So, as I do some soul searching, here’s where I stand on some of those issues, after today, I’ll be leaving these topics alone for a while:

I think that our current president is in the process of dismantling our country. It is evident that he is neither a leader nor a manager. He is condescending in his speech and actions. For all of the “George Bush is a fear-mongerer” talk, Barack Obama takes it to a whole new level. From Guantanamo Bay to Afghanistan to Iraq, the man has merely continued the policies he ran against. Basically, he is a liar. He is spending us into oblivion. And as great as it is to take about government health care’s purpose NOT making money, what’s the dollar figure it must lose for us to get away from it?

In general, I believe our government is corrupt at all levels, and that those elected to represent us do nothing of the sort. For an elected official to not know how he will vote on something 2 hours prior to said vote is a lie.

Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, et al

So, basically, for now, I’m throwing in the towel on these topics for a season. I’ll just be irritating you with the most controversial topic of all. Jesus.


Filed under barack obama, brian mclaren, dave loebsack, president obama, rob bell, timothy keller, tony jones

Tony Jones and "irony"

Thanks to my blogging conspirator Kevin for the heads-up. He points me to a blog by Tony Jones. According to Tony’s bio on the beliefnet website, Tony is “a leader in the emergent church movement and a renowned expert on postmodern theology and the American church landscape.” At Tony’s own website, he refers to himself as “an author, theologian, social commentator, blogger, and sought-after speaker on the topics of church, theology, spirituality, postmodernism, and politics.”

I’ll try to keep it simple so keep up!

Over Easter weekend, you know, the holiday in which Christian worldwide celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, Tony posted two blogs. One of them was entitled “Why Jesus Died“, and the other was “Why Jesus Rose“. In the latter, Tony writes,

“…there’s really no reason for the resurrection. It’s little more than Jesus, “Ta-Da! See, I told you that I was divine!” (Which, by the way, Jesus attests only ambiguously, and primarily in the Gospel of John. Take a deep breath, people. I’m not questioning Jesus’ divinty; I’m just saying that Jesus himself wasn’t particularly adamant about it.) There must be more to Jesus’ resurrection than another proof of his divinity.”

Re-read the statement…there’s no reason for it other than to prove His divinity, so there must be a reason for it. What?

In Tony’s most recent blog post, “The Irony of the Young, Restless Reformers” he mentions that in his aforementioned blogs, that while he “affirmed a traditional and orthodox understanding of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”, he is against penal substitutionary atonement, which he refers to as “PSA.” What is “PSA”? It’s the old, and apparently incorrect old chestnut that that Jesus, by his own sacrificial choice, was punished (penalised) in the place of sinners (substitution), so that God can forgive sins. Historically, criticism of PSA has come in several ways, from the anti-trinitarian Socinus who denied the deity of Jesus (which, tony does not), to the differing ideas of justice between the Hebrews (Old Testament) and the Roman (New Testament-Paul especially) to the post-modern idea that Christ on the cross is “cosmic child abuse.”

Tony’s understanding is that the real purpose of the cross and resurrection is that so God can really understand humanity. The only REAL way to do so would be to experience death.

Final comments:

Tony affirms “a traditional and orthodox understanding of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Does he want a cookie? Are we supposed to applaud? He is, after all, a Christian. (Well, he claims to be). Should we expect less?

In the latest blog post, “The Irony…” he posted a quote from the Edict of Worms from 1521 that blasted Martin Luther for straying from orthodoxy. In his next breath, Jones has the audacity to write, “Now, before you read some of these blog snippets, hear me well: I am not comparing myself to Martin Luther.”

Good, because you’re not Martin Luther. And the church of today is not the Roman Catholic Church of 1521. Penal Substitutionary Atonement is not even in the same ball park as ANY of Lutherr’s 95 Theses. It’s not even the same sport.

Speaking of irony, Tony…how’s this?

James 2:19- “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that–and shudder.”

I’m just saying.


Filed under edict of worms, emergent church, james 2:19, martin luther, penal subsitutionary atonement, roman catholic church, the problem with kevin, tony jones