“Peace, Be Still”

“I’m sick of hearing, again and again, that there’s gonna be peace on Earth”- Bono

Here are a few things that Jesus said about peace:

  • “Do not suppose that have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”- Matthew 10:34.
  • “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33
  • “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”- Matthew 5:9.
  • “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”- John 14:27.

Jesus did not come to bring peace

Jesus did not come to bring peace. That’s what he said. several times. Several weeks ago, Micah 5:1-5 was the Old Testament text at Gospel Fellowship Church. Of particular note is the first part of verse 5.

“And he will be their peace”- Micah 5:5a

Jesus WAS peace. Jesus IS peace. Peace is found in Him. He gives it to us and we become peacemakers. Not peacekeepers, but peacemakers. A peacekeeper is one who goes in after a conflict is mediated to ensure that the peace remains, the two sides “play nice.” Jesus was not a peacekeeper. Since the Fall of Man, we’ve been at war with God and this war has left in it’s wake relational destruction with God and man alike. Here’s what Jesus did…he brought the sword. He set men against their families, against one another because some people? They just don’t want peace. So, Jesus divided. It was only after this division that he could make peace.

During Jesus’ time on earth, he make the contrast stark between those who thought they had God figured out and those that did not. He took the law and demonstrated that it could be fulfilled. He declared all-out war on those who wanted war. They killed him. Then, something crazy happened. He came back. After 3 days, He rose. Vanquishing the real enemy. Death. Spiritual death. Jesus was a peacemaker because he fought, bled, died and then came back for you. For me. While the sacrifice was indeed once for all, Jesus is still making peace today.

His peace is not like that of the world. His peace includes division and separation. Why? Because not everyone wants it. They need to be revealed for who they are so that peace might reign, might be made.What’s more, peace will reign. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. And, that won’t happen when everyone’s in heaven. People need to be so bad, the contrast between God and man and God’s will and our rebellion so obvious, that only God can bridge it. That’s why God’s justice is about our repentance. And, that’s why we don’t place our hope in tomorrow. Sadly, not all will seek this peace. Why? They’ve not been defeated by the sword. James would call it “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition.” Which really means no repentance and faith in their schemes for tomorrow. It means, “no peace.”

“Peace, be still

In the middle of a terrible storm, Jesus simply said, “Peace, be still.” In those three words, he overcame nature itself. When he died and rose, he overcame the world. Find peace in your defeat.


Filed under 30 Days of Hustle

2 responses to ““Peace, Be Still”

  1. Great word. I am in a season that I need peace. I have been receiving great peace from the One who is Peace! This is one of those ways Jesus has done that for me. Thank you!

  2. I’m praying with you, Erik. Thanks for sharing!

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